Come on, let's get a netbook system is a popular cloud storage and file sharing platform with over 800 million users and up to 10w+PB of storage capacity. In this article, we will delve into the core functionality of the Baidu Netdisk system and how to deal with the challenges that can arise from high concurrency and massive storage.
Come on, get a taxi system.
You've used dropshipping, right? See you wrote in your resume that you know architecture design right, if you were asked to design an online car system, what aspects would you consider
Come on, get a bus ride system.
All people need is a cell phone and a QR code to do all the things they need to do to commute to work. So how is this convenient bus or subway ride system designed? How does the technology and architecture behind it support your and my daily commute?
but distributed locking is surprisingly simple...
Imagine if there is no distributed locks, multiple distributed nodes at the same time into a shared resource access, like a group of hungry wolves gathered in front of a piece of meat, who want to take a bite, and finally get the meat lost all the way to the end, everyone can not eat.
An article to introduce you to memory management
Memory management, an inescapable topic for developers in the process of program writing and tuning, is also a must-know computer knowledge towards senior programmers. Experienced interviewers will look at a candidate's skill level in terms of their mastery of memory management.
A Deep Dive into RabbitMQ Sequential Consumption, Dead Letter Queues
RabbitMQ is an open source messaging middleware that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) while providing a variety of important components to support the production, transport and consumption of messages.
A chart to understand the SQL execution process
The task of the optimizer is to evaluate different execution plans for this SQL statement and choose the optimal one. It will consider which indexes are available, which join method is the most efficient, and how to minimize the cost of the query.
What is asked in an interview at a large factory
Interviewing is a tense and interesting process; tense because of the importance, interesting because of the unpredictable results. Sometimes, with a glance or a word, the interviewer will decide whether you will stay or go. So, is it like that in the interviews of big Internet companies?
Designing a gateway from 0 to 1 Integrating Nacos-Configuration Pull and Configuration Change Information Ding Subscription
Self-developed a gateway that helped me successfully land a big factory. This is a complete set of my complete design out of a gateway from 0 to 1, the information contains the thinking process, flow charts, source code and other kinds of information.
Designing a Gateway from 0 to 1 Integrating Nacos - Service Registration and Service Subscription Implementation
Self-developed a gateway that helped me successfully land a big factory. This is a complete set of my complete design out of a gateway from 0 to 1, the information contains the thinking process, flow charts, source code and other kinds of information.
Designing a gateway from 0 to 1 Implementing fusion degradation based on Hystrix
Self-developed a gateway that helped me successfully land a big factory. This is a complete set of my complete design out of a gateway from 0 to 1, the information contains the thinking process, flow charts, source code and other kinds of information.
Designing a gateway from 0 to 1 Implementation of retry and flow limiting
Self-developed a gateway that helped me successfully land a big factory. This is a complete set of my complete design out of a gateway from 0 to 1, the information contains the thinking process, flow charts, source code and other kinds of information.
Designing a Gateway from 0 to 1 Filter Chain Implementation - Route Forwarding Filters
Self-developed a gateway that helped me successfully land a big factory. This is a complete set of my complete design out of a gateway from 0 to 1, the information contains the thinking process, flow charts, source code and other kinds of information.
Designing a Gateway from 0 to 1 Filter Chain Implementation - Implementing a Load Balancing Filter
Self-developed a gateway that helped me successfully land a big factory. This is a complete set of my complete design out of a gateway from 0 to 1, the information contains the thinking process, flow charts, source code and other kinds of information.
Designing a gateway from 0 to 1 Design of Netty, a network communication framework
Self-developed a gateway that helped me successfully land a big factory. This is a complete set of my complete design out of a gateway from 0 to 1, the information contains the thinking process, flow charts, source code and other kinds of information.