CARV Research:生成型人工智能是否将成为游戏行业的主导力量?
通过 CARV 的研究,探讨生成型人工智能在游戏行业的潜力和影响。了解生成型 AI 在游戏创作中的应用、UGC 的新机遇以及 Web3 游戏的发展趋势。
BitMart 与 iPollo 和 CertiK 合作,在纽约大学举办校园 Web3 讲座
BitMart 与 iPollo 和 CertiK 合作,在纽约大学举办校园 Web3 讲座。了解关于 Web3、Metaverse、AIGC、AR 以及 Web3 和区块链行业的最新政策和投资环境。与业界领袖交流,探索 Web3 的未来发展。
通过这 3 个 ChatGPT 扩展,让生活自动化
利用 ChatGPT 的扩展程序,您可以自动化日常生活中的各种任务。本文介绍了三个 ChatGPT 扩展:通过 "God In A Box" 在 WhatsApp 上实现自动化、通过 "CodeGPT" 在 VSCode 上实现自动化,以及通过 "Merlin" 在 Google Chrome 上使用 ChatGPT。了解如何提高生产力和解放潜力!
Walking at the forefront of technology, Baidu will make an appearance at GOTC 2023.
The Global Open-source Technology Conference (GOTC) 2023, jointly initiated by the OpenAtom Foundation, the Linux Foundation Asia-Pacific, Shanghai Pudong Software Park and Open Source China, will be held at the Zhangjiang Science Hall in Shanghai on May 27-28.
Amazon AIGC 产品:构建生成式人工智能应用程序的最简单方式
使用 Amazon 的新一代 Trn1n 实例,加速深度学习模型的训练,提高生成式人工智能应用程序的性能和效果。该实例具备高性能网络、可扩展性和成本效益,是开发人员和研究人员构建生成式人工智能应用程序的最简单方式。
介绍 AIPRM for ChatGpt 扩展:提升搜索引擎排名的关键
本文将指导您完成安装 AIPRM for ChatGPT 扩展的简单步骤,该扩展可提高网站的搜索引擎排名并增加用户参与度。了解如何安装并获得超过 2600 个有用的 ChatGPT 提示。
AIGC+ 全球项目路演,Hemi — 基于 “信息” 而非 “人” 的即时社交网络
AIGC + 全球项目路演介绍了 Hemi,一种基于 “信息” 而非 “人” 的即时社交网络。通过结合 AI、NLP 技术和优秀的产品设计,Hemi 旨在实现用户随时随地在最合适的话题和社区中与固定群体进行社交、讨论和聊天
Why are financial markets so unpredictable?
Is fitting the real world with mathematical models reliable or not? For centuries, mathematicians and physicists have looked to probability theory and statistics to make sense of the uncertainties of various worlds, but they have found that financial markets have always been a difficult area to depict mathematically. In Who's Rolling the Dice, science writer Ian Stewart skillfully establishes an accessible and imaginative mathematical framework that shows the impact of uncertainty in many areas, including financial markets, from the perspectives of probability theory, statistics, Bayesian methods, and chaos theory.
Li Yanhong and others have already made a fortune before I even started making money.
With multiple large models announcing their public availability, the era where everyone can "command" AI has arrived. In just half a year, 130 large models have emerged in China, making the "battle of a hundred models" a reality.
AIGC — Auto-GPT 介绍
Auto-GPT 的安装过程包括克隆仓库、安装依赖和更新环境变量文件等步骤。本指南将指导您完成安装 Auto-GPT 所需的所有步骤。
Hello World
Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quick StartCreate a new post1$ hexo new "My New Post" More info: Writing Run server1$ hexo server More info: Server Generate static files1$ hexo generate More info: Generating Deploy to remote sites1$ hexo deploy More info: Deployment
Cryptocurrencies are in the early stages of a three-year bull market
This article from professional asset management firms as well as analysts analyzes the characteristics and predictions of a cryptocurrency bull market, which may be imminent.
DOGE Coin: A Disruptive Journey into Digital Currency
This article introduces the principle and development history of the doge coin, followed by a bold prediction and summary of the future development and potential of the doge coin.
MetaTown:A Platform for Building Digital Assets by Yourself
Huawei Cloud Solution as Code has launched a groundbreaking solution called Building a Digital Asset Platform based on MetaTown. Supported by Huawei Cloud's digital asset chain, this solution enables the end-to-end management of digital assets, including casting, issuance, circulation, and rights confirmation, using underlying blockchain technology. Additionally, a one-click deployment solution and a quick experience version have been released, along with open-source code, to assist small and medium-sized enterprises in rapidly building their own digital asset platforms.
Without hardcore technology, how can we seize the trend of the metaverse?
Since 2021, Web 3.0 and the Metaverse have gradually become popular concepts in the global technology industry. Web 3.0 is the future direction of technological development, while the Metaverse is the future of application scenarios and lifestyles. The two complement each other and have a symbiotic relationship. Tech giants such as Meta, Google, Apple, Huawei, Tencent, OPPO, etc. are actively laying out related industries.