A blockchain is a digital ledger of transactions spread across the entire network of computers (or nodes) on the blockchain. Distributed ledgers consist of independent nodes that record, share, and synchronize transactions in different electronic ledgers instead of storing them in one centralized server. A blockchain consists of different technologies such as digital signatures, distributed networks, and encryption/ decryption methods including distributed ledger technology to facilitate blockchain applications. Blockchain is a kind of distributed ledger technology in which transactions are recorded with a permanent cryptographic signature called a hash. Therefore, distributed ledgers can also be called blockchains. But what is distributed ledger technology? In this article, we will focus on Distributed ledger technology bringing its benefits and applications.

Distributed Ledger Technology, the definition

Distributed ledger technology is a digital system that records the transaction of assets by recording their details in multiple places at the same time. When compared to traditional databases, distributed ledgers lack a central data store or administration functionality. Distributed ledger technology refers particularly to the technological composition and protocols that facilitate the simultaneous access, validation, and keeping of records up to date which is the main characteristic of distributed ledgers. It functions of a computer network distributed over different multiple entities, locations, or nodes. A distributed ledger consists of nodes that process and verify every item, thereby creating a record of each item and developing a consensus on its accuracy. A distributed ledger can record different types of static and dynamic data including a registry and financial transactions. Blockchain is a typical example of a distributed ledger technology.

How Does Distributed Ledger Technology Work?

distributed ledger technology focuses on the principles of decentralization. In contrast to conventional centralized databases, distributed ledger technology works on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network, where several nodes store, validate, and update the ledger at the same time. This removes the burden of a central authority and lessens the chance of a single point of failure. The process is accomplished by replicating the digital data across the network of nodes. Each node maintains an identical copy of the ledger and single-handedly processes new update transactions. To ensure consensus, all participating nodes employ a consensus algorithm that determines the correct version of the ledger. Once harmony is accomplished, the updated ledger is spread to all nodes, which ensures synchronization and efficiency. Distributed ledger technology uses cryptography to safely store data and cryptographic signatures and keys that only authorized users can access. The technology also develops a fixed database, which means the stored information cannot be erased and all updates are permanently recorded for the future.

This buildup represents an important difference in how information is gathered and communicated. It does this by moving record-keeping from an individual, authoritative location to a decentralized system in which the invited parties can view and modify the ledger. Therefore, different parties can see who uses and modifies the ledger. This is a very transparent feature of distributed ledger technology, one that provides a high level of trust among the participants and practically removes the possibility of fraudulent activities happening in the ledger. Therefore, distributed ledger technology eliminates the burden of entities using the ledger to depend on one central authority that controls the ledger or a third-party provider to handle the task of checking against manipulation.

Industries that Use Distributed Ledger Technology

The use of distributed ledger technology goes across a wide range of industries and is changing conventional processes. Common industries that use this technology include the following.

Banking and Finance

The banking and finance industry is a proponent of distributed ledger technology especially in the implementation of smart contracts in trade finance. Smart contracts ease the proper functioning and settlement of trade transactions, decreasing lags and removing the need for middlemen. Also, distributed ledger technology ensures quicker cross-border payments, enhances processes, and offers secure digital identity solutions.

Supply chain management

Distributed ledger technology is also an aspect of supply chain management. Distributed ledgers help companies to monitor and validate the movement of goods, with authenticity and no fraud. This technology facilitates real-time visibility into supply chain operations, decreases paperwork, and reduces lags. For example, companies can use a distributed ledger solution to track the origin of goods, in an ethical and trustworthy way.


Distributed ledger technology is also useful in the healthcare industry to improve patient data management, streamline processes, and enhance security. This technology can facilitate the storing of medical records, ensuring data privacy and integrity. Also, smart contracts can automate insurance claims, minimizing administrative burdens and improving efficiency. Distributed ledger technology also makes it easy to conduct safe and transparent clinical trials, ensuring the integrity of data and building trust in the research process.

Real estate

The use of Distributed ledger technology can help improve the real estate industry by facilitating property transactions, decreasing paperwork, and enhancing security. Since it deals with smart contracts, companies can automate property transfers accurately providing a tamper-proof record of ownership. Blockchain platforms built on distributed ledgers are transparent, reducing the risk of fraud and disputes. It also removes the need for costly middlemen. Furthermore, this technology ensures partial ownership of real estate, creating new venture opportunities and adding liquidity to the market.

What the future holds for Distributed Ledger Technology

With the resounding progress of distributed ledger technology, many still ask whether it can revolutionize how governments, institutions, and industries work. Many experts are promoting distributed ledger technology as an important asset that will not only revolutionize the existing processes but could soar innovative new applications. Moreover, distributed ledger technology is seen as part of the “internet of value,” where transactions occur in real-time across global networks. The reason why digital ledger technology exists is because of the pervasive internet that enables it. Nonetheless, according to experts, the adoption of this technology will follow the typical technology curve, led by a few exemplary leaders, then fast followers, and, finally, the laggards. Experts also believe that it won’t be easy for organizations to implement, scale, and operate distributed ledger technology. To that extent, enterprise executives and entrepreneurs are now faced with the burden of establishing networks that can take advantage of distributed ledger technology to revolutionize how they share and keep records.