The Global Open-source Technology Conference (GOTC) GOTC 2023, co-sponsored by the Open Atom Open Source Foundation, the Linux Foundation Asia Pacific, the Shanghai Pudong Software Park, and Open Source China, will be held on May 27-28 at the Zhangjiang Science Hall in Shanghai.

This grand open source technology event for developers around the world will be the wind vane of open source in 2023. The conference will feature industry exhibitions, keynote speeches, thematic forums, and open source bazaars, where attendees will discuss hot technology topics such as meta-universe, 3D and gaming, eBPF, Web3.0, and blockchain, as well as hot topics such as open source community, AIGC, automotive software, AI programming, open source education and training, and cloud native, etc., to discuss the future of open source and help open source development.

By the end of 2022, Baidu has open sourced more than 1,000 projects with more than 20,000 community contributors, with technologies covering a wide range of fields such as machine learning, autonomous driving, blockchain, data storage, edge computing, big front-end, security, and more. In particular, open source projects such as Flying Paddle, PaddlePaddle, Apollo, and XuprChain have become leading technology platforms in the industry, attracting more and more developers to participate in them. The successful practice of these open source projects not only promotes the improvement of Baidu’s own technology, but also makes positive contributions to the global open source community.

Baidu is also a member of the Linux Foundation, Apache Software Foundation, CNCF Foundation, and Open Atomics Open Source Foundation. Baidu’s ECharts, Doris, bRPC, Baetyl, BFE and other ten projects have been donated to the Foundation for incubation, among which Apache ECharts, Apache Doris, and Apache bRPC have graduated and become the top projects of the Foundation.

As a leading technology company in China, Baidu will share a number of exciting topics during the two-day GOTC conference, showcasing its latest achievements and research progress in cutting-edge technology fields such as AI, autonomous driving, blockchain, cloud native, graph database, and so on, in front of a large number of industry elites and technology enthusiasts.

Main Forum

Keynote Speech: Big Models Open New Era of AI

Speaker: Hou Zhenyu | Vice President, Baidu Group

Topic Forum: eBPF

Topic: eBPF Technology Practice in Cloud Native Domain

Speaker: Weihua Di | Cloud Native Architect, Baidu

Topic Overview: (1) Introduction to BPF Technology; (2) Application of BPF Technology in Cloud Native Domain; (3) Practice of BPF Technology in Baidu Cloud Native.

Topic Forums: Web3 Meta-Universe Worlds

Topic: Distributed Instant Messaging Infrastructure Practice and Application Based on Blockchain

Speaker: Jingbo | Deputy General Manager and Head of Technology, Baidu Blockchain

Issue: The blockchain-based Web3 community is jointly owned by creators and co-builders. The community is no longer controlled by a single platform, and the platform no longer has the ability to receive dividends from a well-run community that do not match its contribution. At the same time, community co-builders can independently choose their own service providers. If the server where the community is located no longer provides services one day, users can vote to automate the migration of the entire community data and code to other service providers, so that the community, which has condensed the co-builders’ efforts in operating the community, will continue to exist and run.

Featured Forum: AI is Everywhere

Speaker: Zhang Jun | Baidu Flying Paddle Framework Product Leader, Open Atom Open Source Foundation TOC Member

Topic: Deep Learning Platform + Big Models Compacting the Base of Industrial Intelligence

Item Description: This report introduces the progress of Baidu’s Deep Learning Platform + Big Model core technology research and development, product innovation, and ecological construction, taking into account the latest development trend of generative AI and Baidu’s practice. The report also shares the thinking around Flying Paddle’s industrial-grade deep learning open source and open platform, and the development of industry-teaching integration education ecological construction under the new trend.

Thematic Forum: Infrastructure and Software Architecture

Topic: Apache HugeGraph Distributed Storage and Computing Open Source Evolution Road

Speaker: Shiming Zhang | Graph Database Leader, CVTE Research Institute

Topic Summary: One year after HugeGraph joined the Apache community, we released the official 1.0 version. This year, we continue to evolve towards the new 2.0 version and promote the integration of the internal version and the open source version. This time, we share with you the current design and implementation of distributed storage and computation part, as well as how to participate in the open source community better, and lastly, the future plan.

Flash Talks

Topic 1: Baidu Smart Edge and MQTT Message Middleware Open Source Project Overview

Speaker: Huang Cheng | Director Architect, Internet of Things, Baidu Intelligent Cloud

Topic 2: Smart Road OS - Open Source and Open Vehicle-Road-Cloud Integrated Intelligent Networked Roadside Operating System

Speaker: Jiefeng Sha | Senior Engineer, AIR, Baidu

GOTC 2023 Registration is now open, and we invite open source enthusiasts from all over the world to join us!